Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Remember to give your answer to the poll at the bottom of the page.


Anonymous said...

I voted and chose to sing naked. This seemed by far the best choice, especially because although I wish I had a nice singing voice - I don't. So maybe the naked part would distract from that and people might think I did okay ;)

MillerTime said...
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MillerTime said...

Yeah, and it would be over fairly quickly so you would be pretty humiliated but you could just hid out for a while afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I chose the outhouse because I figure I can endure anything for 1 hour -- and I wouldn't run the risk of public humiliation, extreme pain, or jail time!


Anonymous said...

I went with the "I farted" one. I do Jr. High ministry. I would just get a laugh out of all the Jr. Highers and still be the coolest person in church.
