Monday, August 13, 2007

New Poll

Hey guys be sure to vote on the new poll and feel free to comment why you chose your answer.


Anonymous said...

I choose North America because I can speak the language and I know my way around, I think I would also choose Australia because of the language.
mike from bc

Anonymous said...

I chose Australia, but not for any good reason, except maybe the language.

MillerTime said...

I chose North America, mainly because I would like to stay here, but I also figured that people would expect me to go abroad therefore I could be well hidden in their own back yard.

Anonymous said...

"If" i was an agent. I choose europe because I'm going there on a secret mission as we speak. 3rd time going back to Europe cause it rocks!! I think more people should step out of their comfort zone and travel to countries where you don't necessarily speak their language.

signed secret agent _________.