The other day I decided to take a look at the two candidates' voting records and I was surprised to find that they frequently don't show up to vote when congress has a decision to make. In the current congress McCain has been absent around 60% of the time and Obama has been absent about 50% of the time. I really can't understand how this is tolerated. How many people can not show up to work over half the time they are supposed to and keep their job? These two politicians were chosen by the people of their states to represent them in decisions made by the government. If they don't show up to vote then those people are not getting fair representation. I decided to see if this was common so I looked up my two congresswomen from California, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein who have been absent 5.6% and 2.7% or the time respectively. When I've mentioned this to some of my friends I've been told that they've been out campaigning so that is why they have missed votes. I don't think that is justification. That is basically saying that if a career opportunity comes up they can neglect their current job in order to pursue it. The big question here would be, do they still get paid for being a congressman while they are campaigning? And if they lose the election do they simply return to finish their term as congressman? Either way I am surprised candidates never get called to account for this, I think it can be a testiment to their work ethic and a certain degree of not realizing or valuing the significance of their job in our goverment.
On a somewhat similar note, I am tired of feeling like when I go to vote I have to pick the lesser of two poor options. Maybe one of these days the two party system will start to break down and we can get some outsiders in to bring a different vibe and a different experience base into our countries leadership. I would be very quick to vote for some big business leaders to change things up a bit (i.e Jack Welch, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett).
How do you feel about politicians not doing their jobs? Any ideas on a better way to find candidates?
37 minutes ago